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Monday, August 11, 2008

Obama's Religion Coordinator

By Hasni Essa

Respected senator Barack Obama,

On behalf of several progressive and moderate American Muslims I write this letter to you as an American Muslim democrat, who believe in secular and religious pluralism as promoted by our spiritual Imam, Aga Khan, whose millions of followers reside all over the world, including U.S. - Aga Khan, a Muslim by faith who believes in secular and religious pluralism has recently created The World Centre for Pluralism in Ottawa, Canada. At the Leadership and Diversity Conference on May 19th, 2004,the Aga Khan said, "The Islamic World's history is closely tied to that of the Judeo-Christian World. Believe in Democracy and Practice Democracy. Believe in Pluralism and Practice Pluralism." Tolerance, openness and understanding towards other people's cultures, social structures, values and faiths are now essential to the very survival of independent world. Pluralism no longer simply an asset or a prerequisite for progress and development, it is vital to our existence.

This letter by an American Muslim on behalf of many American Muslims - who support you and would vote for you to become our next president in next election - coming from American citizens may not sound too important and carry much weight in your eyes, but we beg your kind indulgence and read this letter anyhow, which we think is pertinent because we wish to recommend a very able man, Mike Ghouse that you consider him in place of Mazen Asbahi who has recently resigned as The Muslim-outreach coordinator. As his attached tesimonial would show (below), Mike Ghouse has been a prominent figure who practice pluralism and a bridge builder not only between progressive and moderate Islam and radical Islam, but also people of other faiths and beliefs.

We believe, Sir, when you become president history would be made and you would bring idealism at a time when many Americans are despairing of making any headway against the problems the nation faces. We believe, like President John Kennedy, you promise us to cross divides - political, ideological, racial, geographic - and to transcend the old politics of fear and hate that has commandeered recent elections. We believe that you believe America can-and should - be the moral beacon for the world by returning to its core values.

"Iraq and Afghanistan are the messes getting attention today, but they are only symptoms of a much broader cancer in American foreign policy. In short, the United States is hugely over investing in military tools and under investing in diplomatic tools. The result is a lopsided foreign policy that antagonizes the rest of the world and is ineffective in tackling many modern problems." - Nicolas Kristof - New York Times

Finally, we American Muslims believe, Mike Ghouse, with his colorful multi-culture background and great experience, could be the best man for the job as your Muslim-Outreach Adviser.

Thank you most kindly for your time and consideration in this matter.

Hasan Essa
Islam for Pluralism

Mike Ghouse's profile at:






Dear Senator Obama and Speaker Pelosi;

I am pleased to submit a few more paragraphs for your perusal, much of it is in the information sent to you by Mr. Essa and others.

Pluralism is an attitude of accepting and respecting the God given uniqueness of each one of the 7 billion of us, if we can consciously practice that, conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

Over a period of two years I have run a daily talk show radio on Wisdom of Religion, all the beautiful religions from Atheism to Zoroastrianism including indigenous traditions and every possible faith I know. We have discussed the essence of each tradition where we find common grounds to stand on. I have always walked the middle path and connect with and rope both the religious left and right wingers. We have conducted a workshop on each tradition and bring together people of all faiths, nations and ethnicities twice a year in our programs Thanksgiving Celebrations & Awards Nite (14th year) and Unity Day USA (4th year)

Unity Day USA is dedicated to the unity of Americans of every faith, tradition, race and ethnicity. It is on Sunday before 9/11 - to re-dedicated our pledge to one nation under God with liberty and justice to all. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was excited when I had talked to her about this in Dallas, she literally jumped out of the Chair, and Senator, you have talked about converting 9/11 into a Day of Unity. She had mentioned about considering this for a national day. It would be a legacy of Obama Administration and contribution of Muslims to America. In fact, I am qualified to become your religion advisor to include advisor on Muslim affairs.

My Dream

I have a dream, a dream to strengthen the pluralistic values of America, and the desire to encourage the community of nations to review our values of Liberty, Justice and co-existence as catalysts for prosperity.

No community or a nation can have undue advantages over others. Such benefits are temporary and deleterious to lasting peace.

We have to maintain a healthy balance within our communities and with all nations, what is good for America, has got to be good for the world and vice versa to sustain peace and progress for every one's benefit. We cannot have peace, unless others have it and we cannot be secure, unless others are not.

Mike Ghouse

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