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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kenyan Lawyer Sues Isreal For Killing Jesus, the Indian Angle

This may be the best thing that has happened for the Jewish Christian relationship. Pope Frances is working on it and I have written about it; to absolve Jews from what happened 2000 years ago!  The world would be better off if this removes the anti-Semitism from the minds of those Christians who constantly harp no calling the Jews,  “Christ Killers”, and the evangelicals going completely on the other side to offset the wrong they have done for over 2000 years.  

I hope the verdict, if it were, be that each society functioned according the prevalent norms of the time, but the people living today have nothing to do with what someone did in the past, even if you were to trace their direct descendants, how are they responsible? Why should some one point a finger at me for something Genghis Khan did, as I may have his genes. 

Indeed, the same can be done in India, United States and elsewhere.  Muhammad Ghazni needs to be sued, the terrorist King who had vandalized Hindu places of worship, robbed their wealth at Somnath temple, and there is a rumor out there that his  thugs dug up graves of buried Hindus to take out a Silver coin left in their mouths at burial.  

The Hindus (not all, but those who are stuck in history) continue to blame Muslims of today. No Muslim today is responsible for the acts of what the Kings did in the past. 

I hope the verdict, if it were, be that, with the exception of a few,  most of the Kings be declared thugs,   be it Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Pagan or otherwise. The bad boys had the following goals; to forcibly take over next door land,  kill the king next door, rob others  properties, take over other’s women…  and further declaration that no individual living today is responsible for the acts of those kings. 

Let’s free ourselves from the obsessive hatred for the other. Amen.

1. Pictures https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeghouse/sets/72157624336357507/

2.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-ghouse/standing-up-for-jews-gays_b_650167.html


Mike GhouseFoundationforPluralism.blogspot.com 
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Kenyan Lawyer Sues Israel For Killing Jesus, the Indian Angle

A Kenyan lawyer filed a petition with the International Court of Justice in The Hague, suggesting that the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ was unlawful, and the State of Israel among others should be held responsible, Kenyan news outlet the Nairobian reported some time ago.
Dola Indidis, a lawyer and former spokesman of the Kenyan Judiciary is reportedly attempting to sue Tiberius (emperor of Rome, 42 BCE-37 CE), Pontius Pilate, a selection of Jewish elders, King Herod, the Republic of Italy and the State of Israel.
“Evidence today is on record in the Bible, and you cannot discredit the Bible,” Indidis told the Kenyan Citizen News.
Although those he suggests should have been convicted during the original trial have not been alive for more than 2,000 years, Indidis insists that the government for whom they acted can and should still be held responsible.
“I filed the case because it’s my duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ to seek justice for the man from Nazareth,” Indidis told the Nairobian.
“His selective and malicious prosecution violated his human rights through judicial misconduct, abuse of office bias and prejudice.”
Indidis apparently named the states of Italy and Israel in the lawsuit because upon the attainment of independence, the two states incorporated the laws of the Roman Empire, those in force at the time of the crucifixion.
He is challenging the mode of questioning used during Jesus’s trial, prosecution, hearing and sentencing; the form of punishment meted out to him while undergoing judicial proceedings and the substance of the information used to convict him.
The case was first filed in the High Court in Nairobi but was rejected. Indidis then applied to have it heard at the ICJ.

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